But most of you reading this probably already know that by now. (And know that I'm freaking out justalittlebit.) In case you aren't yet that familiar with us and our grand plans for 2013, we are: me, Nicole (hi!) - a Californian who's found a second home in the lovely and endlessly fascinating Berlin (Germany) - and Michael (whom I'll always refer to as simply Micha) - a native Berliner who shares an apartment and a life with me and is basically the coolest guy on the planet. You just wait and see.
That's us, looking ridiculous in Glasgow last year
I'm hoping to document our final planning and packing stages over the course of this month before we take off (on July 4th!), as this coming June will be anything but boring. In fact, I'm quickly learning that the month's leading up to an around-the-world trip are quite crazy indeed. Case in point: we currently have an 8-month-old roommate (who is squeaking away in the kitchen as I write this). That story to follow soon.
When we actually take off, I promise that Micha will join in telling our RTW story and the adventures and hilarity we encounter along the way. He's an amazing writer, but fair warning: his stories will be in German, so get your google translator ready.
Other than that, we'll be spending our remaining days in our apartment just figuring this whole aaagh-we'll-be-gone-for-seven-months! thing as we go while trying to maintain a decent amount of our sanity, so feel free to follow along. :) Next up: our route!